LindaBP Podcast
A chick with MS who's getting nervous about the upcoming US election. Since dictators don't like disabled people I'm recording now while free speech and women with opinions, still exist.
Podcasting since 2024 • 6 episodes
LindaBP Podcast
Latest Episodes
E6: My Dream to Power Walk Like Mandy Patinkin
Recorded June 23, 2024: Gait is complicated, and giving in to using a mobility aid is even more complicated. But wishing I could power walk like Mandy Patinkin is simple. The man can move. Resources Mentioned:
Season 1
Episode 6

E5: Conflicting Emotions and The High Cost of Failure
Recorded June 16, 2024: It costs a lot to live in a disabled body. Sometimes the disappointment is worse than the cash output. But sometimes listening to other podcasts can help you put it all into perspective.
Season 1
Episode 5

E4: Harry Potter Camp and the Seven-Year-Old with Secrets
Recorded June 9, 2024: After a week of COVID and a second week of exhaustion, I'm ready to record again. Join me as I walk down memory lane to relive a few of my many parenting failures. Or were they? It depends on who's...
Season 1
Episode 4

E3: Democrats are the Worst at Marketing and Messaging
Recorded May 19, 2024 when Biden was still in the running. I explain why the Biden-Harris camp, specifically, and Democrats in general, should update how they campaign. Even though the candidates have changed, I stand by the need to impro...

E2: What I Wish I Knew When I Was Diagnosed With MS
Recorded May 12, 2024: This episode is called "What I Wish I Knew the First Year I Had MS," but the tips I discuss can be applied to most chronic conditions. Even if you and everyone in your life are healthy, this episode still ap...
Season 1
Episode 2