LindaBP Podcast
A chick with MS who's getting nervous about the upcoming US election. Since dictators don't like disabled people I'm recording now while free speech and women with opinions, still exist.
6 episodes
E6: My Dream to Power Walk Like Mandy Patinkin
Recorded June 23, 2024: Gait is complicated, and giving in to using a mobility aid is even more complicated. But wishing I could power walk like Mandy Patinkin is simple. The man can move. Resources Mentioned:
Season 1
Episode 6

E5: Conflicting Emotions and The High Cost of Failure
Recorded June 16, 2024: It costs a lot to live in a disabled body. Sometimes the disappointment is worse than the cash output. But sometimes listening to other podcasts can help you put it all into perspective.
Season 1
Episode 5

E4: Harry Potter Camp and the Seven-Year-Old with Secrets
Recorded June 9, 2024: After a week of COVID and a second week of exhaustion, I'm ready to record again. Join me as I walk down memory lane to relive a few of my many parenting failures. Or were they? It depends on who's...
Season 1
Episode 4

E3: Democrats are the Worst at Marketing and Messaging
Recorded May 19, 2024 when Biden was still in the running. I explain why the Biden-Harris camp, specifically, and Democrats in general, should update how they campaign. Even though the candidates have changed, I stand by the need to impro...

E2: What I Wish I Knew When I Was Diagnosed With MS
Recorded May 12, 2024: This episode is called "What I Wish I Knew the First Year I Had MS," but the tips I discuss can be applied to most chronic conditions. Even if you and everyone in your life are healthy, this episode still ap...
Season 1
Episode 2

E1: LindaBP Podcast Sneak Peak
Recorded May 6, 2024: My main goal for this podcast is for you the listener to get comfortable being uncomfortable and have a difficult conversation, anyway whether that's with healthcare professionals regarding your chronic condition, fr...
Season 1
Episode 1